Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Future of TV

Season 13 of the Voice aired last night, and while the show itself gains a lot of social media attention what really caught my eye is the snapchat contest that goes along with the show. People all over the world can send in their voice auditions using the social media app, snapchat, and the coaches of the show get the view these top submissions. This time around the coaches have formed teams and each week one of the teams will pick two of the four submissions to add to their teams.
Not only is this such a creative way to add more buzz to an already extremely popular show, but I also think it's amazing they are giving people a chance to be recognized, when they otherwise may have been over looked. That feature alone is one of the coolest parts about social media in general. People are able to put out their content or ideas and able to receive instant gratification on it. This is something that did not exist 20 years ago. If you wanted to write a book or make an album, it took lots of connections, time, and money. Now if you are talented and have something to say or share with the world you can do so in a click of a button, which is pretty mind blowing.
I think what the Voice is doing with their current platform is genius. They have already been miles ahead or other reality shows as far as content and entertainment and now they are blowing the game even further out of the water with this new interactive feature. They have won countless Emmy awards for their show alone and even recently picked up an nomination for creative achievement in interactive media, for this specific snapchat feature. A category I didn't even know existed, which begs the question is this the new future for television? While this sort of interactive feature has always been rather incorporated with these vote in reality shows, I think things like this contest and live stories really elevate the whole interactive experience. The more involved a person can be with a particualr brand or show the stronger their feeling are going to be. It's like these people feel connected with the contestants because they can get to know them on a more personal and deeper level. I honestly do think this is the new way of the world and I'm excited to see what new fun and creative ways they are able to get people immersed into the shows.

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